Jazz Police

How I Fell in Love With Jazz: Video Contest Deadline November 21

Just a few months ago, before the COVID pandemic, no one would have imagined a time when musicians couldn’t play together, when there were no gigs, and when playing for live audiences was not possible. We all need music in our lives—COVID or NO COVID. Connecting through music is more important now than ever. We also wanted to show our support to artists during these times when live performance is on hold .That’s why Savage Tickets is sponsoring the How I Fell in Love with Jazz contest.

Music has the incredible power to move us, to inspire us, to stir us up, and to bring us joy, peace and tranquility. Music touches the hearts and souls of millions, connects us and brings us together. We believe that the unifying power of music and its healing power can bring hope and light to the world.

Jazz music occupies a very special place in the universe. It is an international art form. It is a language and a platform for personal expression, creativity and spontaneity. Jazz is created “in the moment” and yet, it remains timeless. The range of Jazz idioms and styles is vast, yet its interpretation creates a unique and extremely personal connection between artists and listeners, unlike that of any other form of artistic expression. Jazz transcends cultures and borders. It is universal and provides a common bond to bring disparate peoples closer together. We wanted to find a way to share the joy of Jazz with each other.

So, here’s what we would like to know: How did you fall in love with Jazz?

We are looking for 60-second video diaries detailing how Jazz fans and performers alike fell in love with Jazz music. You don’t need to be a performer to enter. You just need to be a lover of Jazz music. Simply, pull out your recording device and tell us how your passion of Jazz came to be. Be creative as to how you present your story!

1ST PRIZE – $2,500

2ND PRIZE – $1,000




For more information about the innovative platform set to redefine the way music and entertainment are presented, shared, enjoyed, and on the contest details, you can visit Savage Ticket’s official webpage.

* Article provided by Savage Tickets

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